Anal fissure

Assoc. Prof. Didem Öncel Yakar

Dr Öncel Yakar’s comments

What is anal fissure?
A thin tear in the superficial tissue layer covering the anus is called an anal fissure.

What causes anal fissures?
In cases such as constipation, diarrhea, childbirth, cracks occur when this area is forced.

What are anal fissure complaints?
There may be pain that can sometimes be severe during defecation, ongoing pain after defecation, fresh red bleeding after defecation, itching in the rectal area, wetness, and palpable swelling in the anus.

How is anal fissure diagnosed?
People who have complaints about this area should consult a doctor. Diagnosis can be made after the surgeon’s manual examination. Excess skin tag due to anal fissure or the crack itself can be seen on visual examination.

How is anal fissure treated with medication?
People with mild to moderate complaints can be treated with high fiber food consumption, correction of stool habits, and hot sitz baths. In this process, pain relief creams can be recommended.

What are anal fissure surgeries?
In the presence of chronic anal fissure, lateral internal sphincterotomy (LIS) surgery, that is cutting a small part of the muscle groups surrounding the anal region, is performed in order to allow the crack to heal and to eliminate the patient’s complaints. It is the most effective treatment method in this patient group, and the risk of permanent gas-fecal incontinence (incontinence) is very low.

Common complaints such as pain, discharge, itching, swelling and bleeding in the perianal area are mostly due to benign diseases. However, these diseases are one of the main patient groups that General Surgery is interested in, especially because the negatively affects on quality of life. The correct diagnosis and choice of medical or surgical treatment are among the factors that increase treatment success. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar shares information that will guide you for proper diagnosis and treatment. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.