Breast Health

Breast Cancer

Gallstone Disease

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Benign Anorectal Diseases
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar answers your questions on breast health. She is especially preferred by patients as a female surgeon in addition to her twenty-five years of medical experience.
In our private clinic located in Ataşehir–Istanbul we perform annual breast health screenings of women and direct their further examinations. In addition, we are at your side to manage the most appropriate surgical treatments when necessary. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.
Breast health is an issue that every woman should pay attention to. One of the most basic methods of protecting breast health is regular check-ups. Early diagnosis is critical in breast cancer, which is one of the most common health problems that women encounter.
In breast cancer, where early diagnosis directly affects treatment process, all women -with or without risk factors- are expected to comply with worldwide valid screening guidelines. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar informs you about screening, diagnosis and treatment algorithms. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.
With 25 years of experience in liver-biliary tract-pancreatic diseases and related surgeries in addition to liver transplantation, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar answers your questions regarding gallstone disease.
With expertise working in this field for many years and performing many surgeries, we are at your side for diagnosis, selection of appropriate treatment and management of surgical processes in our private practice in Ataşehir– Istanbul. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.
Breast tissue, which is culturally associated with sexuality, fertility and maturity, is at the focus of women’s breast health and doctors.
Knowing these processes closely as both a female surgeon and a mother, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar answers your questions about issues that arise during pregnancy and breastfeeding. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.
Anorectal region diseases are mostly benign but still impact quality of life negatively. Correct diagnosis with diligent evaluation is one of the main factors that increase both medical and surgical treatment success.
In this section, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar shares information that will guide you for timely diagnosis and treatment. May health be with us in every moment of our lives.
April 2015 Associate Professor of General Surgery
2013 – 2022 Acıbadem Hospital Group İstanbul, Department of General Surgery, General Surgeon
2007 – 2008 VKV American Hospital İstanbul, Department of General Surgery, Liver-Pancreas Surgery Unit, General Surgeon
2006 – 2007 Istanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Liver-Pancreas-Biliary Tract Surgery Unit, Acting Faculty
2005 – 2006 University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care, Research Fellowship
1999 – 2004 İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of General Surgery, Surgical Residency
1992 – 1998 İstanbul University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Education
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar is a Fellow of the American College of Surgeons (FACS).
Dr. Didem Öncel Yakar Biography
Dr. Öncel Yakar graduated from Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine, in which she also completed her General Surgery residency. She then visited University of Southern California, Keck School of Medicine Division of Trauma and Surgical Critical Care as a research fellow.
Upon completion of her training, Dr. Öncel Yakar served in Istanbul University Faculty of Medicine followed by private practice in most prestigious private hospitals in Istanbul. She was appointed as an Associate Professor of General Surgery in 2015, which is a title held by very few women in Turkey. She has attended many scientific congresses home and abroad, and aided as a simultaneous translator in most of them.
Dr. Öncel Yakar is currently practicing medicine at her own clinic.

Google Reviews
Her bir detayı tek tek anlatan,müthiş bir bilgi birikimine ve deneyime sahip harika hekim.bir de üstüne insana değer veren,güler yüzlü bir insan.daha ne olsun.ellerin dert görmesin hocam.yeni muayenehanen hayırlı uğurlu olsun.emin ellere emanetiz.
2013 yılından beri tanıma şansı yakaladığım Didem Hanım, alanında en iyilerdendir. Cerrahi operasyon tecrübesini de deneyimlemiş biri olarak, hastalarına %100 güven veren, açıklayıcı yanıtları ile onları rahatlatan bir Hekim olduğunu gönül rahatlığı ile söyleyebilirim. Kendisine çok uzak konumda olmama rağmen, kontroller için hiç düşünmeden giderim. Kendisini sürekli geliştiren, güler yüzlü, bıkmadan soruları yanıtlayan bir kişiliğe sahiptir. Gidemediğim zamanlarda telefon ile desteğini de esirgemez. Artık zaman kısıtı olmadan kendi muayenehanesinde bizleri ağırlayacağı için ayrıca memnunum. Başarılarınız daim olsun. İyi ki varsınız.
Yıllardır her türlü cerrahi problemimizde ailece ilk seçeneğimiz Didem Hocamız olmuştur. Mesleki anlamda kendisine o kadar güveniyoruz ki, ikinci bir hekim görüşüne gerek bile duymuyoruz. İletişim yönü çok kuvvetli ve samimi bir Hekim kendisi. Cerrahi muayene ve operasyonlar için gönül rahatlığı ile tercih edebilirsiniz.
EMAIL : d_oncel@hotmail.com
ADDRESS : Küçükbakkalköy Mah.
Atilla İlhan Cd 8/6
Ataşehir 34747 Istanbul
+90 216 576 02 00
Questions and Answers
- Pregnancy & Breastfeeding
- Breast Health
- Breast Cancer
- Gallstone Disease
- Benign Anorectal Diseases
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